Square ND Dark CPL Buyback
How does the Square ND Dark CPL Buyback work?
Do you own Square ND or Dark CPL Breakthrough Filters and want to upgrade to Magnetic Filters?
We'll buy your Square ND or Dark CPL Breakthrough Filters from you at 100% the cost you paid for them in the form of a gift card, which never expires.
After you receive your gift card you can purchase new Magnetic Filters.
Square filters cost more than magnetic, whereas circular cost less.
If there is a difference of cost you can pay the difference at checkout. If there's a difference owed to you we'll issue a gift card with the remaining balance. Gift cards never expire.
- Any Square ND or Dark CPL by Breakthrough Filters
- Undamaged condition
How It Works
- Click here to tell us which filters you'd like to send to us for the buyback.
- After we approve your buyback we'll send you instructions on how to send your Square ND and/or Dark CPLs to our warehouse for inspection.
- After inspection we'll issue you a gift card to be used for purchasing new magnetic filters.
The value of your buyback goes directly onto a Gift Card. Gift card value never expires.
If you're in the US we'll mail you a metal gift card. If you live outside the US we'll email you your gift card code.
Lee Big Stopper Buyback
At this time we are only doing Square NDs by Breakthrough Filters, however in the future we may open it up to Lee Big Stopper square ND filters.
If and when this occurs click here to sign up for email notifications and you'll be the first to receive an email notification with instructions on what to do next.
Call us at 877-762-8427 or email us at support@breakthroughphotography.org