This is a live recording from our Long Exposure Fundamentals Webinar.
Are you new to the world of long exposure photography and want a good overview of what you need in terms of equipment and essential techniques to start off on the right track?
Or are you a professional and just want to stay up-to-date with all the latest techniques?
If so, this is for you.
In this Long Exposure Fundamentals Webinar you'll get recommendations on the right equipment and software needed to start capturing long exposure shots between 2-4 minutes.
The content I'm going to be sharing with you is the same stuff I present to workshop students over at, a non-profit landscape photography group based in SF.
What's Covered In This Webinar
In this workshop we will cover:
1. How to properly expose for long exposure (between 2-4 minutes)
2. A brief overview of long exposure equipment
3. Filter recommendations (there's only 3) and how to use them
1. Click "Add to Cart" at the top of this page to pay $5
2. After you pay I'll send you an email with a unique join link within 24 hours after you checkout.
3. I'll send you a couple emails reminding you of the event, including an email the day of
4. You click the link on any device to join and follow along
It will last around 1hr, and I'll be taking Q&A at the end. You can even use your microphone on your computer to ask the question live in front of the audience.
I'll be giving 100% of the revenue from this webinar to WWF.
Graham Clark